Moments to Memories
Wedding Venues
Weekend getaways
3 BHK, 9 Pax
In-Home Meals
Mumbai / Lonavala
Affordable venues amidst nature
Shortlisting a Wedding venue or weekend destination has become extremely important in the post Covid era. Stress free booking within your budget and accessibility with the right amenities are just as important as the hygenically prepared food and ambience available. We aim to help you convert your life’s moments into lifelong memories by offering selected venues with 24/7 security, luxurious interiors, private pools to chill out, with in-house chef’s to whip up healthy and tasty food while you relax, rejuvenate and focus on what’s important to you.. Your Family’s enjoyment…
Location / Accessiblity
Easy accessibility is an important criteria as family and kids can easily become stressed due to the traffic or long commute times to reach the Venue
Relax and enjoy amidst lush green suroundings or poolside (depending on the venue) with natural ambience or modern interiors offered by different venues
Get away from your hectic and stressful environments and just relax amidst nature in your own private pool without having to worry about unrelated people sharing the pool
You can arrange your own catering or request for inhouse cooks specialized in local Cuisine who are always at your disposal at each of the venues listed
Hygienic rooms
Due to Covid, standards of hygiene, both in terms of the local staff as well as maintainence of Rooms / Banquets have improved considerably
Services / Amenities
We have listed all the important services or amenities offered by the Venues. However if you require any specific service, please get in touch with us and we can try to arrange it for you
Planning a Wedding in 2023?
Venues and Villas available
Marriage banquets based on your pax with affordable amenities and residential options available within your budget around Mumbai and Lonavala